Fork an upstream repository and make it your own. Because the documented process is repeated so frequently and, is not user-friendly at all and is very much prone to human-error, the often-repeated process just had to be scripted.
MAINTAINERS_NAME="jquery" # jquery
UPstream_BRANCH="main" # Always use HEAD!
### The naming convention adds the suffix "_fork" to the GIT repository name, when created using GitLab for example.
NEWrepo_URL="git@xxxxx.yyy:zzzzz/jquery-fork.git" # https://xxxx.zzz/jquery-fork.git <- Your new GIT repo URL
### Don't edit anything below this line ###
### Create pseudo-variables START ###
NewORIGINrepo=$MAINTAINERS_NAME"_fork" # jquery_fork
echo $NewORIGINrepo # jquery_fork expected
# The TrackingBRANCH variable defines the 'Upstream Repo + Branch' we'll keep up-to-date
echo $TrackingBRANCH # jquery_origin expected
# New pseudo-variable, from 'newly ORIGIN repository + original branch name', # jquery_fork/main
# NewORIGINrepoUPSTREAMbranch="old-origin/${UPstream_BRANCH}"
echo $NewORIGINrepoUPSTREAMbranch # old-origin/main expected
### Create pseudo-variables END ###
### GIT action START ###
## Making a new Local Clone
git clone $ORIGINALrepo_URL $NewORIGINrepo
cd $NewORIGINrepo # jquery_fork expected
git checkout $UPstream_BRANCH
git remote rename origin old-origin
# we want to use jquery_fork/origin on our own GIT server
# we now also have jquery_fork/old-origin
# git checkout -b jquery_origin old-origin/main # <--Our Tracking branch
git checkout -b $TrackingBRANCH $NewORIGINrepoUPSTREAMbranch # <--Our Tracking branch
# git branch --track jquery_origin old-origin/main # <- untested, and unclear
#On branch jquery_origin
#Your branch is up to date with 'origin/jquery_origin'.
## Adding a Remote
########### git remote add jquery_fork https://xxxx.zzz/jquery-fork.git <- Your new GIT repo
git remote add origin
git push -u origin --all
git push -u origin --tags
### GIT action END ###
## Working in a new feature branch
git checkout $TrackingBRANCH # jquery_origin expected
git pull # pulls HEAD changes from upstream repo
git checkout -b new_feature_branch_name # Name your new feature branch here and got to work.
You can fork this code from my GitLab repository.